Songwriting and Selling to Political Activists

Hi and thank you for visiting my first ever blog. Today is the day I release the Biden/Harris campaign song “Build Back Better”.

Writing and recording this song was a life changing experience for me.

I usually release my music quietly these days as I am a retired performer/folk singer who has never stopped writing and recording. I’m a lifelong recording artist. It is my true love to write, produce and record. I am also a successful business owner which is why I have neglected the marketing side of my music for too many years because most of my day is working my day job which I am very good at. I have most always made more money in sales than in music.

I have always wondered when and what it would look like for me to become a political activist which I have aspired to since right around the turn of the century.

By writing this song and then recording a five and half minute sales pitch afterwards just in case the song did not convince the undecided or Trump voter, it made me realize what I was doing here. I combined the two things I do best, songwriting and selling to convince the majority of voters to vote for the good guys this November.

Sales is an art. (No ,not the Art of the Deal, I couldn’t finish that book and I am embarrassed to say I ever bought it) There is however a myth that all sales people are snake oil sales people, like the bad guy occupying the white house right now is such a perfect example of.

While that is so true on so many levels (given I have seen that all too much over the years, and I can tell you very specific stories that make for some truth to the snake oil types), there is such a thing as sales people with integrity.

Just like with anything else, there are good eggs and bad eggs. Given the more I believe in something the easier it is for me to sell it. I want to let everyone know that the sales pitch I wrote for the Biden campaign was from my heart as much as the song was and strategically executed in order to close the deal.

I could not have believed in that sales pitch that comes after the song more if I tried. Once I recorded it, I realized, that this is what it looks like for me to become a political activist.

Another reason this was life changing is because it makes me feel really good to release art to inspire voters to vote for the qualified candidate and not for the unqualified opposition who has disrespected, disregarded and desecrated the integrity of the office he holds in such a contemptuous manner. He has brought America to the brink of autocracy.
He is not running against Biden he is running against democracy.

So why a political activist? Here’s the thing. My entire life I have heard “Don’t talk politics or religion”. The more I heard that of course the more I wanted to talk about it. It’s way easier to follow the herd mentality here, but at our collective peril.

Joe I want to be on your “Health Care for all Americans Task force Team”. I’m qualified to be, after all given for starters I just came up with the idea..;-) I also happen to have helped navigate clients’ health care for 25 years so I would say I am qualified. I have some great ideas how to improve the broken A.C.A. due to the persistence of the republicans to destroy it. Taking away the mandate has crippled it and there are solutions on how to improve it as I will gladly share with you and the team. My life is both sides of the isle. I’m a liberal as an artist and work in a conservative industry as a business owner. It’s Both for me. I can stand usually equally for both issues because I can see clear solutions with both sides’ perspectives well in focus.

I look forward to sharing solutions as to why we need to head towards single payer in this country. Hillary was right about trying to do this in the 90’s. In fact, when I took the sales position in the early 90’s with a nonprofit company providing affordable benefits for the self employed including health insurance, my thought was this. ” I will have this job for only a year or two and go back to music full time when Hillary gets single payer for all Americans.” Fast forward to now! WTF? Hillary, I know you have the scars for trying, but we cannot give up, because you were right. Just like Jimmy Carter was right to put solar panels on the white house in the 70’s which Reagan, then took down. We must persist. And Hillary you are a pretty gutsy woman yourself. 😉

I can tell you I know a pathway to single payer and can get both sides of the isle being happy every step of the way because I know the conservative perspective. I know what will keep liberals happy and conservative insurance agencies and brokers happy. Until now, I had no impetus to write a blog. Thank you for reading and please leave your thoughts and comments.

In my next blog I want to talk more about the idea I propose in the message I recorded after the BBB video about the song. Specifically about my idea to implement and draw up an official Presidential application. I will write again after the election! NOW GO VOTE AMERICA!

Thank you, Lourdes Pita