Lyrics: Build Back Better

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Build Back Better

Build Back Better

We’re going to build back better our democracy
and restore humanity
We’re going to build back better with love and light
because our republic is worth the fight

Let’s chose hope over fear The facts over fiction
Fairness over privilege root out injustice with conviction
Out of these times of darkness you will lead the way
back to what always made America great In the first place

We’re going to build back better our economy
and restore honor and dignity We’re going to build back better
because the time is right and our democracy is worth the fight
This is our moment this is our mission To unite America again
end the hate and division You will protect us from monarchy rule
bullies, lies and inequities that fuel fanatics and fools

We’re going to build back better our democracy
and restore honor and dignity We’re going to build back better
with love and light because our republic is worth the fight

We’re going to build back better Build back better Build Back Better
We’re going to build back better Build back better & Black lives matter

Words and Music by Lourdes Pita August 2020